Higher History Past Prelim 2011/2012 (PDF format, download) [11/22E]
£18.00 ex VAT
This pack isprovided in high quality print master (paper) format and includes a full sitecopyright licence. Packs will be despatched by Royal Mail.
Fulldetails of the contents of this pack are available by clicking on the subjectlevel’s link above. Details are also available in our flyer whichincludes a form for those orders being placed by telephone, fax, email or bypost.
A validPurchase Order Number/Reference and SQA Centre Number must be included withyour order. Please also include a centre-based email address.
All 2011/2012 P&N papers fully comply with current SQA ArrangementsDocuments etc. valid for the next examination diet (2012). Our prelims containcompletely new material each year and are guaranteed “sight unseen”.Papers are independently scrutinised to ensure a high quality, valid andreliable assessment resource which offers appropriate challenge.