
Notice of Copyright

© Copyright  P&N Publications 1987/1988 – 2024/2025. All rights reserved.

Material published by P&N Publications on these web pages/website is © Copyright P&N Publications and may not be reproduced without permission. Customers are permitted to reproduce advertising materials as necessary for information and ordering purposes.

*P&N Publications
1 Wallace Street
Stirling FK7 8JQ

Reproducing *our materials

For information on copyright for our prelims packs, please refer to the licence included with all packs. Irrespective, all content within these packs remains current © P&N Publications 2024/2025 with the year of publication as indicated. A valid invoice must be held for any materials used within your current centre and should be presented, along with the licence included within the paper pack or PDF electronic ePack download, on request by reprographics staff.

Publishers or training providers (including teacher-led authority-based training) wishing to use PAST PRELIMS (i.e. not new 2024/2025 [full security for which must be maintained until June 2025], which must be kept under strict security at all times and may not be used/provided for use outside of purchasing SQA centres between October 2024 publication and June 2025) should in the first instance contact Written permission must be sought from ourselves, P&N Publications, – without this organisers will be considered in breach of copyright and we reserve the right to impose a (retrospective) fee for unauthorised use.

Use of *our materials

Where our material is used internally (and cannot be accessed by any external means) within a purchasing centre and without amendment, with a valid licence where an invoice is held for this material, then there is no need to seek further permission to reproduce materials.

No content may be shared without permission or a valid purchase/named centre invoice under any circumstances. Materials purchased by or on behalf of a  centre are obviously licenced to that centre and not to a named individual – and as such licences are NOT transferable between centres.

Sharing of our material is strictly prohibited – this includes files, download links, photocopies, extracts of questions or sources – outside of a purchasing centre in any form, digital or other mediums. No content from any of our packs, past or present, may be included in other publications, including websites (school/college websites/GLOW/student support websites/authority- or college-wide shared drives) or internal centre-produced prelim exams, without the prior written permission of P&N Publications, 1 Wallace Street, Bannockburn, Stirling, FK7 8JQ. This includes unauthorised/unlicenced sharing between or within authorities or shared sites of our materials, in whole or in part. None of our materials are licenced for customer use in shared resources unless permissions and licence(s) have been granted in writing by P&N Publications.

Any and all packs/question papers/marking keys/transcripts must be kept securely, a particular condition for use of new/current papers (2024/2025)

2024/2024 prelim materials must be kept under strict security at all times and may not be used/provided for use outside of purchasing SQA centres between the months of October 2024 publication and June 2025 inclusive. Any references to questions or content via social media or similar platforms is considered to breach these terms and conditions and will be considered an infringement of both confidentiality and/or copyright. The “Fair use” argument for the process of review is invalid and is explicitly prohibited under our conditions of sale to maintain confidentiality and to protect the intellectual property of P&N Publications and its writers, editors and setters. Legal/Copyright and professional proceedings will be pursued for any violations in consultation with professional bodies, as appropriate. Any sharing of material(s), in any format digital or print, from any pack published by P&N Publications with a centre or user known not to have purchased a licence for its use is considered theft and violators will be pursued to the fullest extent via professional and legal routes as appropriate. All rights are reserved by P&N Publications, for both current and past prelims, for the full duration of protection allowed for in copyright law (50-70 years from date of publication).

No adaptions may be shared outwith the purchasing centre

No part(s) of our past or current packs (questions/answers/diagrams/listening materials or listening audio) may be adapted for use out with the licenced/invoiced centre. This includes any packages of any form of content for whole-authority use. Materials are licenced to individually named centres (invoice/licence will state the name of said centre) and may not be used by purchasing individuals/centres outside of the invoiced/licenced centre. This includes any and all derived materials which rely upon our materials, past or present in whole or in part. Any violations of these terms are a serious and actionable theft of copyright/intellectual property.

All rights are reserved by P&N Publications. Any materials published by *us, or extracts thereof, MAY NOT be used in any form out with a purchasing centre without express written permission. Proof of purchase/licence must be provided to a centre’s reprographics staff or *ourselves on request.

Any extracted or adapted content (including questions, graphics, sources etc.), however, should be fully and appropriately referenced and remains Copyright © P&N Publications, with all rights reserved for past and forthcoming as yet unpublished materials. This includes any materials (questions/answers/diagrams) which are adapted for your own centre’s use with any reliance on our published materials. This also includes any materials written for P&N Publications under contract or any form of paid work. Any adapted use of our current or previous materials must include an appropriate (obvious) reference to our copyright ownership and the source of the question/diagram. Details of any adaptions or amendments MUST be noted, at the very least on the final page of any published or presented material(s). *We reserve the right to request that a copy of any adapted or extracted materials (questions, diagrams, marking instructions) be made available to ourselves on request and that any material deemed to be inappropriate in its referencing be withdrawn immediately from any users and deleted from any storage systems, whether these be physical or digital in nature.

A minimum fee of £75 will apply for each question (maximum 5 sub-parts per question, after which a further smaller fee may be charged for each sub-part) where a licence to use materials belonging to P&N Publications has not been purchased. Proof of purchase, in the form of a current digital or paper copy invoice which is verifiable by P&N Publications on *our own systems, is required as proof of licence to reproduce any past or present materials published by P&N Publications.

Any prelim or instrument designed to gauge examination performance derived from our materials (past, present or unpublished) and appropriately referenced, as required by copyright law and P&N Publications’ terms and conditions of sale and usage, must not be shared, uploaded, printed or presented without the prior approval of P&N Publications. Only current session 2024/2024 packs may be used in whole or in part for submissible examinations appeals evidence to ensure an accurate reflection of changing national standards.
Where our packs make use of materials for which we have sought permission to reproduce from other publishers (e.g. text extracts, SQA rubrics etc.) copyright rights for this material is as stated and should not be reproduced out of context without applying for the appropriate permissions from the named copyright holder. P&N Publications accepts no liability for any infringements of named copyright licence holders’ materials due to inappropriate use – compliance remains the legal responsibility of purchasing centres.

P&N Publications makes every effort to trace the owners of any copyright materials contained within its packs and seek permissions. P&N are happy to incorporate any missing acknowledgements. Please contact

Last reviewed 1 August 2024.