Flyers for P&N Prelim Exams for next session 2020/2021 SQA courses/SQA Technical Consulation

Flyers for P&N Prelim Exams for next session 2020/2021 SQA courses/SQA Technical Consulation

Flyers for new 20/2021 P&N prelim exam question papers for 2020-2021 SQA are now in schools. These were printed/scheduled for despatch before SQA’s 4pm announcement on Friday 14th August.

We are aware of the SQA proposed modifications to National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams for 2020/2021. Given the timing of SQA’s announcement, our flyers do not reflect these proposals, which are to be confirmed in early September. Printed versions were already on their way to schools 11/8/2020.

Almost all changes, for those subjects for which we offer prelims, involve a reduction to marks or a modification to examination timings/arrangements (to pre-2018 format). Our prelim papers are in the late stages of finalisation for the current course assessment specifications. [Please see 8th Oct update]

Unfortunately SQA have not yet confirmed final changes – this had been due 31/8/20.

We would propose to offer modified papers reflecting the modifications once these are finalised by SQA. Question papers likely to be affected are Geography, History, Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics, Modern Studies and Physics.

Please see individual flyers and/or individual subject/level pages for details of prelims available (these do not reflect SQA 14/8/20 proposals)  [Please see 8th Oct update]:

Chemistry | Computing | Drama | English | French | Geography | German | HistoryMathematics | Modern Studies | Physics (resource packs also available) | Spanish 

Alternatively please use our full product list and order form for 2020/2021 P&N Prelim Papers for SQA courses.

Paper pack (for postal delivery) and PDF ePack (for electronic download) options will be available, with publication as usual in October (2020).

If you have any urgent queries before official publication of our prelims available for 2020/2021, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last updated: 4 September 2020. Comments added 7 October, 2020