Our news
Easter holiday 2023, reduced service over holiday period
Best wishes to all customers for a restful and well-deserved break!P&N will be operating reduced service, for the next couple of weeks, due to staff holiday entitlement. Our telephone service will be temporarily suspended but we will resume normal service from 17/4/23 at 0830 am. Urgent enquiries should be sent...
Flyers for P&N Prelim Exams for next session 2020/2021 SQA courses/SQA Technical Consulation
Flyers for new 20/2021 P&N prelim exam question papers for 2020-2021 SQA are now in schools. These were printed/scheduled for despatch before SQA's 4pm announcement on Friday 14th August. We are aware of the SQA proposed modifications to National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams for 2020/2021. Given the timing of...